EPIC Animation
We are thrilled to have the EPIC talents of Davy Liu, Founder of Kendu Films, and his team that has worked on some of the most beloved animated feature films of all time including The Lion King, Beauty and the Beast, Aladdin, and Mulan. Kendu Films is the official animation studio for the Epic Order of the Seven animated series and feature films.

DAVY LIU, Founder, Kendu Films is a celebrated artist around the world. His artistic talent is most known for work he completed at Walt Disney Feature Animation, including key creative work on Beauty and the Beast, Aladdin, Mulan, The Lion King, and many other classic Disney films. He also worked for George Lucas at Industrial Light & Magic on the Star Wars prequels, and for Warner Bros. Feature Animation on The Iron Giant and Space Jam, among others. Davy is an internationally renowned speaker, author, artist and consultant. He is a visionary in China (and a bona fide celebrity), where he regularly speaks to millions of people on television, at major national events throughout Asia, and at Ted Talks.