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Beach Waves

In her masterfully written work, Now I Sea, author Jenny L. Cote has managed to pen a colorful, thought-provoking, and meaningful journey. She leads the reader through the delights of life — those moments when all is clear and smooth, and the sun is shining as you feel the wind in your sails. And with equal relevance, Jenny reminds us that there is also a course we must sail that draws us ever closer to the Great Navigator of life Himself, Jesus Christ, as He helms the vessel that bears your name. From one chapter to the next, Now I Sea challenged my wife, Lisa, and me to become more childlike in our faith and have greater trust in our God.

-Jack HibbsPastor, Calvary Chapel Chino Hills, CA

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NOW I SEA is the log of a voyage around the world, filled with spiritual life lessons from the sea. In this collection of stories, personal adventures, and quiet reflections, you’ll cruise along the eastern seaboard of the U.S., soak up some California sunshine, enjoy the Gulf of Mexico and Keys of Florida, sail to the Caribbean Islands, walk along the war-torn beaches of Normandy and sun-drenched Côte d’Azur in France, swim with a wild dolphin in Ireland, and visit the ancient seas in Israel and Egypt. Watch God walk along the beaches of birth and death, exploration and adventure, life challenges and storms, war and pain, and healing and restoration. Laugh at humorous life analogies when beachcombing or sailing smooth seas, and be deeply moved by tender insights while riding life’s roughest seas. Come and “sea” new things about God and yourself as you dive into this refreshing book.

Jenny by the Camargue Cross
Saintes Maries de la Mer, in the south of France.

NOW I SEA was Jenny's first book, released in 2003. But when she began writing her Max and Liz/Epic Order of the Seven Series in 2005, Now I Sea was set adrift from Jenny's attention. Her energy became devoted entirely to her children's historical fiction series; that is, until 2023, when Pastor Jack Hibbs contacted her. He wanted to share the DDAY chapter from Now I Sea with his congregation for Memorial Day (see video below). That request led to the blessed honor of making Now I Sea a chosen book of the month in 2024 for Calvary Chapel Chino Hills, CA. Jenny knew she needed to update her first work with her much-more-experienced pen. Now, with a new cover, fresh wordsmithing, new Foreword by Jack Hibbs, two new chapters, new internal illustrations and elegant typesetting, Now I Sea is set to sail on its second voyage into the literary world. Jenny is eternally grateful to Pastor Jack for his impact on her life, and for inspiring this updated manuscript. It is her prayer that you will SEA even more in this refreshing book.

The story behind Now I Sea
and how Jenny became an author

Pastor Jack Hibbs introducing Now I Sea at Calvary Chapel Chino Hills, CA

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