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If you are interested in becoming an Advance Reader for The Storm, the Fish, and the Vine, please complete the survey below. Advance Readers will be selected and announced by April 20, 2025 and will receive a review copy of the book in May 2025. They will have one month to read the book and submit a comment for inclusion in the book that will be released Fall 2025.  Only 7 slots remain, and we have hundreds of applicants, but we hope you'll apply!
(By submitting this form you agree for your name, age, city, state and comments to be shared on this website and social media. Your address will remain confidential.)


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A slave-trading, blaspheming John Newton runs from God until the Hound of Heaven catches him in a violent storm off the coast of Ireland in 1748. As the storm threatens to sink the ship and the captain threatens to toss Newton overboard for being a “Jonah,” Newton’s mind races back to his early childhood faith, forcing him to ask, “What if it’s true?” The Order of the Seven team is assigned the mission of intervening in the life of John Newton as he slowly makes his way back to God and not only leaves the slave trade but becomes a vicar who will pen the most beloved hymn of all time: Amazing Grace. The animal team revisits their previous mission of helping another man who also ran from God and whose faith was also born in a storm: Jonah. Abounding in lessons of failure and redemption, this action-packed book will lead readers from despair to hope and to a clear understanding of why grace is so amazing indeed.


16 EPIC Readers signed up for the Spring 2025 Semester of Epic Homeschool Classes and get to be Advance Readers for
The Storm, the Fish, and the Vine!

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