America's Epic Founding MEF: SPRING Semester Jan. 13-Apr. 11 2025
We are thrilled to offer Epic Homeschool Classes offered online by instructor Beth Cuvelier (see attached Bio). Online instruction is open for students grades 6-12, and are 1/2 credit for History, Bible, and Literature for the semester. Older students will be given more difficult assignments, and if parents are interested, there is an Honors Option for these classes. Future plans will include all of Jenny's Biblical and American Revolution titles as courses.
America's Epic Founding: The Marquis, the Escape, and the Fox
Based on the Epic Revolutionary Saga, written by Jenny L. Cote, this course explores the lives of the Founding Fathers and the circumstances that helped birth one nation under God. Students will explore each of the novels through readings, class discussions, games, geography, Bible, and Literature, as well as examining primary source documents for Revolutionary events.
This course is based on a series of novels written for young people to explore the lives of the Founding Fathers and the circumstances that helped birth one nation under God. The premise of the author is that “before they were Founding Fathers, they were founding children.” The author conducted prolific research for all of her writings, and she is gifted and imaginative with her books. These novels include fun, engaging characters who tell the stories so that they are delightful for both young and old. Her stories help develop a deep understanding of the events and mindsets that led to the founding of America. These books are also written with a Biblical worldview and perspective.
Students will explore each of the novels in the beginning of this series through readings, class discussions, games, etc. in order to learn the information in these books. Students will also examine primary source documents for events referenced in the novels. Critical thinking will be the major emphasis in the educational assignments for this course. Class work will also include assigned readings, writing activities and special projects. Some class work will require oral presentations to aid in the development of student public speaking skills.
For SPRING SEMESTER 2025, this class is available only on Wednesdays, 4:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m., EST
Credits and Details
Note: This is an integrated course (similar to Sonlight, Veritas, Omnibus, etc.) which means as the teacher/parent you can count this course with its workload for any or all of the listed credits above.
Maximum class size will be limited to 20 students.
Semester Fee is $225 per course, per student. You may register one student for multiple courses, if desired. If registering more than one student, please add a separate purchase in your cart to capture the appropriate student information.
Upon registration, you will receive an email from Beth with next steps. We hope you'll join us for this EPIC Educational Adventure, Huzzah!