Book Two:
The Dreamer, the Schemer, & the Robe
A thrilling adventure to uncover the captivating story of Joseph in mysterious Egypt.
After saving Noah and family, heroes Max and Liz, along with faithful mates Kate and Al, earn immortality and a directive from God to serve as His envoys for pivotal points in human history. They have waited for centuries for a word from the Maker; now they learn they are to work behind the scenes in the life of Joseph. All looks hopeless for the young teenager as Joseph's brothers sell him into slavery in Egypt. Has Charlatan returned to Egypt to once again stop Max and Liz from accomplishing their mission? With the help of two new characters, a British archeologist mouse and a forlorn camel, they must combat the forces of evil that are out to thwart their plans, leading them into mysterious adventures with pyramids and mummies. If Max and Liz fail in this mission, all of Egypt will suffer from famine, and the Hebrew nation will never be born.The fate of an entire nation rests in their paws.
Abounding in life lessons on struggle, enduring trials, forgiveness, and redemption, The Dreamer, the Schemer, & the Robe is a nonstop thriller filled with twists and turns, side-splitting humor, treachery and heartache, hope and forgiveness. (460 pages, 21 Accelerated Reader pts)
Winner of the 2010 Readers' Favorite Gold Award!
*Available in ebook format for Kindle and Nook.
*Now availble in audiobook form from AUDIBLE!

Jenny L. Cote is committed to excellence and historical accuracy. Sometimes facts or figures can be recorded in error either from research errors or yet undiscovered facts at the time of writing. Typos are also part of the writing landscape. Although rare, when errors are found after publication, Jenny is the first to want them corrected, and welcomes information on any errors found in her books by readers. Incredibly, after 14 years of being in print, a reader alerted Jenny of a typo in The Dreamer on page 22, where it mentions Isaac loving Jacob more than Esau. Of course, acccording to the Scriptures Isaac loved Esau the most. This typo has been corrected in the eighth book printing, and Jenny couldn't be more proud of her young Bible scholar who caught the error!
Chuck Swindoll's book on Joseph was a huge inspiration and resource for Jenny.
What an honor to see him holding his own copy of The Dreamer!

"This book is even better than the first, which is hard to beat! It gave me a whole new perspective on the story of Joseph. It proves that no matter where we are, or how bad our situation is, God is always there to help. We just have to listen and trust in Him." - Katie Greenough, 8th grade, age 14, Germantown, WI

Meet brave Stephen - Jenny's inspiration for Benjamin!
Meet the inspiration behind Jenny's new character in The Dreamer:
Nigel P. Monaco!
"The adventures in this book are amazing and the characters are so cute. I especially liked Nigel. Who wouldn't like a little mouse with glasses?"
- Renee Hogan, Homeschool 5th grade, age 10, Williamsburg, VA

"Worth reading again and again!"
What a privilege to read these fabulous books! My 11-year-old son and I are reading through all of Jenny Cote's books and neither of us can get enough! He loves the stories and adventures and all the lovable characters! This particular book was such a treat, I loved reading and picturing myself along for the Biblical account of Joseph which made me feel connected to his journey in a way I never have before. And on top of that to get such a fascinating look at Egyptian history as well. Although, my favorite part is still how the author weaves so many wonderful truths into her writing that always points the reader back to God and His wonderful ways and love for us! As a home school mom this is EXACTLY the kind of stories I want my children reading! They are so good on so many levels and I'm so thankful to be able to read them! -MC12